This game is very similar to backgammon. In this game you need to move all your pieces around the board once and then move them out of the board. Each player has 15 pieces and they are positioned at the top right position at the start of the game. The pieces must move in the counter clockwise direction until all of them reach the final 6 positions at the bottom right, and then you can begin to move them out of the board. The player who first moves all his pieces out wins the game. You and your opponent will take turns to roll 2 dice, and you move 2 pieces according to the numbers rolled by the 2 dice, for example when you roll a 3 and a 4, then you move one piece 3 steps and another (or the same piece again) 4 steps. If you roll a double then you can play each die twice.
You can also download this game and install it in your computer so that you can play it simply by clicking an icon on your desktop.